resource centre


More NHS hubs, utilisation of private sector resources, more patient choice, and boosting diagnostic capacity.

These are the headline strategies the Government is planning to reduce the current 7.5 million long waiting list facing the NHS. The government pledged this week that 92% of patients waiting for planned hospital care will be seen within the 18-week target – it’s an ambitious goal given that only 58.9% of patients are currently seen within that timeframe.

Maximising capacity while offering improved options for patients is the plan, with key targets laid out in the latest announcement:

  • Expanding patient choice
  • Delivering care in the correct settings
  • Reducing inequality in the care people receive
  • Boosting diagnostic capacity through community diagnostic centres

In a nutshell, more hubs and greater utilisation of the resources in the private sector.

But we should be careful of using the 18-week target as a sole measure of how the NHS is coping and how well patients are being cared for:

‘…. while significantly reducing long waits for planned hospital care is a worthy goal, the 18-week referral-to-treatment target should not be taken as the sole measure of how the NHS is faring. Equally important to people are how long they are waiting for a GP appointment or an ambulance, for mental health care and for other services.’ – Sarah Woolnough, Chief executive of the King’s Fund
(Press release, 6th January 2025)

Reducing waits is rightly a top priority, but experienced staff who are looked after and supported, and patient choice, are also essential going forward.

Where does Medinet come in?

We will continue to deliver services below NHS tariff, encourage long-term contractual relationships, and utilise our team of over 6,000 registered clinicians supported by our own full-time clinical team who provide governance and assurance for service delivery. Our modular units, with a proven track-record of success, will provide the additional physical space to maximise diagnostic and elective care services, and through our 80+ clinics under the HealthHarmonie brand we provide increased patient choice in the community.

Medinet and HealthHarmonie welcome the partnership agreement as a mechanism to deliver the government's promises by leveraging the independent sector to deliver quality care through the NHS, which remains free at the point of access.

The plan is in place, but trust and long-term partnerships with the private sector are key going forward. We’re excited to continue maximising capacity with excellent clinical staff, to see more patients than ever, quickly and safely.

How can we help you?

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