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Gynaecology waiting lists reach record high

According to a recent report by the BBC, waiting lists for gynaecology services in England have reached record highs, leaving many women waiting far too long for essential services.

Figures from NHSE show that in January 2022, the gynaecology waiting list stood at a staggering 456,938. This compares to 286,008 in February 2020.

Waiting lists for almost all NHS services have suffered since the onset of the pandemic, however as these figures demonstrate, the waiting list for gynaecology services was already extremely high even before COVID-19. Today, an unacceptable number of women are waiting for treatment for what are often painful, debilitating conditions, many of which are worsening as a result of having to wait for care. Because many gynaecological conditions are progressive, longer waits can result in a need for more complex, invasive treatment and surgery, which may not otherwise have been required.

Today, over 25,000 women have already been on gynaecology waiting lists for over a year and over 1,300 have been waiting for over 2 years.

More worrying still, there are an estimated 400,000 ‘hidden referrals’, as a result of a reluctance to come forward for help since the onset of the pandemic. If these numbers were factored in, then waiting lists for gynaecology would rocket to over 850,000.

How Medinet can help

At Medinet, we are committed to supporting the NHS in its drive to reduce waiting lists and provide much-needed care to those patiently waiting.

Our experienced healthcare professionals are on-hand to provide high quality gynaecological services, whenever and wherever they are needed most. We offer a fully-managed service, and can mobilise staff in any setting.

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